Ciao Bella la Bella Romanza Walkthrough

Stuck at this dating sim few days ago and still at chapter 1 even after playing it 6 times, makes me desperate enough to determine making its walkthrough since the walkthrough around is kinda unfinished.. 

For the first 3 dates is pretty difficult, since we just started without anything. 
So, i decided to included timetable inside it. <-- Too desperate lol~

1st Date - The Reunion
- Talk with Ernie and find a way to save his wedding
- Meet Elios at Teresa's restaurant on Saturday at 6.30
(Focus at Health and Family)

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
07.00 eat
07.30 talk to mom
07.45 cafe, talk to dad
08.00 talk to ernie, 2, 4
08.00 work
10.00 home, read
11.00 eat
11.30 exit, nunzio cons.
11.55 talk to nunzio
12.10 exit, home
12.35 cafe, work
14.35 home, eat
15.05 cafe, work
17.05 home, eat
17.35 cafe, work
19.35 exit, shop mall
19.50 talk to maurizio
20.05 jewelry, pearl necklace
(1000), exit, home
20.20 cafe, talk to ernie,
give necklace, talk to ernie
20.35 home, eat
21.05 read
22.05 clean
23.35 read
00.35 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 talk to mom, read
08.30 clean
10.00 cafe, work
12.00 home, eat
12.30 cafe, work
14.30 home, read
15.30 cafe, work
17.30 home, eat
18.00 read
19.00 clean
20.30 read
21.30 eat
22.00 read
23.00 make up
23.30 read
00.30 sleep

07.00 eat
07.30 clean
09.00 read
10.00 cafe, work
12.00 home, eat
12.30 exit, gym
12.45 swim
13.30 drink
13.45 bike
14.15 drink
14.30 swim
15.15 drink
15.30 bike
16.00 drink
16.15 bike
16.45 exit, home
17.00 eat
17.30 read
18.30 make up
19.00 sleep
21.00 read
22.00 eat
22.30 read
23.30 make up
00.00 read
01.00 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 read
08.30 clean
10.00 read
11.00 eat
11.30 exit, gym
11.45 swim
12.30 drink
12.45 swim
13.30 drink
13.45 swim
14.30 drink
14.45 swim
15.30 exit, home
15.45 eat
16.15 read
17.15 make up
17.45 exit, restaurant
(1st - Completed)

2nd Date - The First Rendez-vous
- Buy a pair of in-line skates
- Upgrade your health
- Progress in all the other fields of your life
- Meet Elios at home Saturday between noon and 4.00 PM
(Focus Health and Work)

Tue - Go to city hall, and fix all about Nunzio Cons. before 6.00 pm Friday.

Monday Tue/ Wed/Thur Friday Saturday
07.00 eat
07.30 talk to mom
07.45 cafe, work
09.45 talk to ernie, 1
11.45 talk to dad
12.00 home, eat
12.30 cafe, work
14.30 home, eat
15.00 cafe, work
17.00 home, eat
17.30 cafe, work
19.30 home, eat
20.00 cafe, work
22.00 read
23.00 make up
23.30 read
00.30 eat
01.00 read
02.00 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 talk to mom, 
cafe,talk to dad, 
09.30 home, eat
10.00 cafe, work
12.00 home, eat
12.30 cafe, work
14.30 home, eat
15.00 cafe, work
17.00 home, eat
17.30 cafe, work
19.30 home, eat
20.00 cafe, work
22.00 home, read
23.00 eat
23.30 read
00.30 eat
01.00 read
02.00 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, work
09.30 home, eat
10.00 exit, shop mall,
buy skates (450),
vivaldi CD (40),
air conditioner (250),
talk to angelina, 1
10.15 talk to maurizio, 1
12.15 exit, home
12.30 eat
13.00 exit, city hall
13.20 talk to clerk,
talk to judge, exit,
nanzio cons.
13.35 talk to nanzio, 1, 
exit,city hall
13.50 talk to clerk (300)
14.20 exit, home
14.40 cafe, work
16.40 home, eat
17.10 cafe, work
19.10 home, eat
19.40 cafe, work
21.40 home, eat
22.10 cafe, work
00.10 home, read
01.10 eat
01.40 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, work
09.30 home, eat
10.00 cafe, work
12.00 home
(2nd - Completed)

Starting to feel lazy to write anymore, so.. 4th till the last one would just be simple explanation~.

3rd Date - Once Open a Time in Little Italie
- Buy a dress for a premiere.
- Mamma & Carmie have flu, visit them as often as possible to give some comfort.
- Take care of your health to avoid catching the flu bug.
- Wait for Elios at home between 10.00AM and 2.00PM on Saturday.
(Focus Health and Harmony)

Mon - Finding poster (Hidden Object Minigames)
(mall - 5 | gym - 5 | boutique - 2 (buy night gown (600)) | church - 5 | restaurant - 4 | home )
Wed - Buying Birthday Gift for Uncle Nunzio (Mall- Music - AIDA (50))

ps : At Sat, do usual stuff at home till 12PM. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, dad
07.45 work
09.45 home, eat
10.15 cafe, work
12.15 home, eat
12.45 exit, hospital
12.55 mom
13.55 carmie
14.55 exit, home
15.05 eat
15.35 exit,
finding poster
17.10 eat
17.40 cafe,
17.55 work
19.55 home, eat
20.25 cafe, work
22.25 home, eat
22.55 cafe, work
00.55 home, read
01.55 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, work
09.30 home, eat
10.00 exit, hospital
10.10 mom
11.10 carmie
12.10 exit, home
12.20 cafe, work
14.20 home, eat
14.50 read
15.50 clean
17.20 read
18.20 make up
18.50 eat
19.20 read
20.20 make up
20.50 read
21.50 make up
22.20 read
23.20 eat
23.50 read
00.50 make up
01.20 read
02.20 sleep
(same as Tue
until 12.20)
12.20 eat
12.50 exit, shop mall
13.05 aida,
13.55 hair
14.45 exit, home
15.00 eat
15.30 exit, nunzio cons.
15.55 nunzio, 2, work
19.25 exit, home
19.50 eat
20.20 read
21.20 make up
21.50 read
22.50 clean
00.20 eat
00.50 read
01.50 make up
02.20 read
03.20 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, work
09.30 home, eat
10.00 exit, hospital
10.10 mom
11.10 carmie
12.10 exit, home
12.20 eat
12.50 exit, gym
13.05 (yoga,sauna)
15.50 exit, home
16.05 eat
16.35 exit, gym
16.50 (yoga,
sauna, drink~)
19.50 exit, home
20.05 eat
20.35 read
21.35 make up
22.05 read
23.05 eat
23.35 read
00.35 sleep
07.00 eat
07.30 cafe, work
09.30 home, read
10.30 eat
11.00 cafe, work
13.00 exit, hospital
13.10 mom
14.10 carmie
15.10 exit, home
15.20 eat
15.50 cafe, work
17.50 home, eat
18.20 cafe, work
20.20 home, eat
20.50 cafe, work
22.50 home, eat
23.20 (eat,makeup,
05.05 sleep

4th Date - A Night at the Ritz
- Dinner with Elios at Ritz Hotel at 7 pm on Saturday
(Focus Work and Harmony)

- be at home till nanzio order
- prepare 100 for clerk at city hall
- buy fine material construction (500) at mall
- go to boutique, meet merizio, get 500
- go to cafe, talk to ernie, pay 500
- go to church, try beseech (if lucky, got big cash in return~)
- work at cafe and make up to boost work and harmony

No event.

- do anything as long as 07.00 pm at home.
(4th - Completed)

5th Date - Hide Your Allergies
- A picnic is a great ideo, but Elena has a bad case of hay fever and we're in the middle of allergy season... So make sure she has plenty of antihistamines on hand at all times!
- Be at home Saturday between 2.00PM and 3.00PM for the date with Elio.

Monday till Saturday
- talk to mom, get medicine (only once).
- go to doctor to get prescription after hospital open.
- go to mall, buy antihistamin (50) after 9 am - before 9 pm.
- remember to buy every 6 hours or sooner.
- when the mall is close, supress it by sleep. (not that effective but quite useful)

ps: allergy is so annoying! Don't leave it be.
(5th - Completed)

6th Date - The Preparations
- Be home on Satuday at 2pm to go shopping for Elio cloths.

No event.

- Da Teresa restaurant would give you free meal in this day ~<3
- Fix family problem about migration issue. (Is that possible?)
- search certificate of birth and invitation to baptism (under pillow and near bag)

- Get food, flower, and gift at airport 6 PM. (Racing Minigame)

- remember be at home before 1 pm.
(6th - Completed)

7th Date - Returning in Your Dress
- Going to Da Teresa Restaurant with Elio Saturdat at 5.00 - 7.00 PM

No event.
- play tennis with mericio, good for improving stat (90 minutes)

- Carmie like smoking, so we gotta hide those items. (Hidden Object Minigames) (3-4 items)

- remember be at home at 5pm.
(7th - Completed)

8th Date - Carmie's Wedding
- Go to the church on Saturday at 1pm to attend Carmie's wedding.
- Solving parent's war, again..

- talk to all the family, say yes to all request.
- maurizio is big help for stat!!
- meet elio at mall, buy perfume (100), give to his mom

- go to boutique to buy expensive cloths (1000).
- go to restaurant, give old flowerpot her superexpensive gifts, she'll admit about her faults~

No event.
- help carmie and ernie as much as possible

- make 30 cannoli without any mistakes, quite easy~ (Point & Click Minigames)

- remember before 1pm!
(8th - Completed)

9th Date - Take It Easy, Elena!
- Stay at home for going to Special Yoga Session with Elios on Saturday at 6pm.
- Join Catherine and Maurizio for Tennis (Tennis Minigames)

Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
No event.

- remember be at home at 6pm.
(9th - Completed)

10th Date - Back From The Honeymoon
- Be at home, going to exhibit gallery with Elio on Saturday at 6 PM.
- Don't ever eat anything at home!

No event.

- nanzio cons. is having problem to find certain items. help him~
- wine cellar (mall-500),
- cappucino machine & ceiling fan (carmie and ernie has them, just accept their request)

- Search for poster
(Hidden Object Minigames)
(cafe - 2 | church - 2 | park - 3 | restaurant - 3 | gym - 1 | mall - 3)

- At home when 6 PM.
(10th - Completed)

11th Date - Strikes at Nunzio Constructions
- Solve work conflict at Nunzio Cons. so Carmie can move out before friday night.
- Hire a private chef for Friday night.
- Wait for Elios Friday between 6PM and 8PM.
- Progress in all other fields of your life.

Monday / Tuesday
- work very hard at cafe.
- try beseech at church might help (or not.)

- after two full days of work, go to judge and beg.
- Nunzio call you to sneaks inside office to search for documents (Hidden Object Minigames)
- go to mall, hire chef with (1000) and buy benisilo book (300).
- give that book to carmie and yay, home cook is available again!

No event.

- Remember 6pm at home!
(11th - Completed)

12th Date - Teresa's Advice
- At home, met Elio for Latin music concer at Place des Arts on Saturday night at 6pm.

No event.

- mini games~ (Racing Minigames)

- Serving customer~ (Memory Minigames)

- Cooking for Elio! (Hidden Object Minigames)
- wild mushroom (try beseech must success, then search park, take white one, red is poison!)
- quail eggs (mall-100)
- two year cheese (mom, i love you <3)

- At home when 6 PM~

Must become more like you? Kill me already.. lol~
(12th - Completed)

13th Date - Wedding is In The Air
- Distribute the invitations to the invited guests.
- Do not forget aunt Stefania at the mall.
- Wait for the taxi at home Saturday between 6 PM and 8 PM.

- talk to everyone in Little Italie then give them the invitation.

- shot photo of hired girl (Shooting Minigames)

No event.

- mini games~ (Racing Minigames)

- Remember to be at home when 6pm, counting hours till proposing, hell yeah~

Remember to put credits for me when copying, kay?
Just put credit to Lireis Lir / Lire and link it to
That's all. Not that complicated, isn't?

Little dissapointed on how the ending is, since it was so short! TT.
Oh well, it still very fun games from first till the end. 
Even if tons of problem is inside it. XP.

For those who have to much times in hand, should grab this and try it. ^_^) /